Plastic and Semi-Elastomeric:
It is essential that all form liner is stripped with an equal time interval from concrete placement. Different time intervals will result in inconsistent coloring from different levels of moisture loss. For best results, forms should be stripped within twenty-four hours of concrete placement. Formwork should be stripped perpendicular to the form, when possible.
Tilt-up Panels should not be lifted until the concrete has reached the specified concrete compressive strength. In most cases, the form liner will remain on the slab. Single-use liners can be discarded after stripping while multi-use liners can easily be cleaned by spraying with water and/or scrubbing with a brush.
As with plastic liners, ElastoSpec Liners should be stripped perpendicular to the form, with an equal time interval from concrete placement, and within 24 hours.
When stripping ElastoSpec Liners, the material resiliency can be used to allow the formwork to strip itself. Use a hydraulic jack to separate (push) the top of the formwork from the concrete. Allow the jack to remain in place for approximately 15 minuets. The formwork will slowly resume its original shape and strip itself away from the finished surface. If jacking is not possible, a stripping force can be used on the jack side of the form to separate (pull) the top of the formwork from the concrete. The stripping angle should always be as perpendicular to the form as possible.
The use of a form release is recommended in all liner types and applications. Spec Release works well to aid in stripping and ease clean-up of the form liner for additional pours. Release agents should be applied as closely as possible before concrete placement. For best results, the liner should be cleaned after each use and a new coat of form release should be applied before each concrete placement.
For more information on the application process:
Application Guide (PDF)